Alberto Ardid
(Spain, 1986)
Graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona (2010), with a Master's Degree in Teaching, specialising in Drawing, from the University of Vigo (2013).
Visual and plastic artist. He works on pieces and installations that can be situated between perception and matter, confronting very different elements with each other and which in turn can represent opposing ideas. To do this, he usually uses construction materials and visual references which, when mixed and decontextualised, generate many meanings and great contrasts, with allusions to history and mass culture, from a Galician and universal vision.
He has shown his work in numerous group exhibitions in Spain and abroad, and two solo exhibitions: GRAVIDADE (Espazo Cubo, Vigo 2019) and 00:00 (Apo'strophe, Vigo 2020). He has been awarded the Premio Plástika 2019, the Premio Isaac Díaz Pardo of the Diputación de A Coruña in 2021 and the second prize of the XVI Certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Diputación de Ourense, as well as the Premio-Beca de estudios de la XXIV Bienal Internacional de Arte no Morrazo.