Emilio González Sainz
(Spain, 1961)
Graduated in Fine Arts at the faculty of the Basque Country. Lives and works in Periedo, Cantabria. He develops most of his artistic career in Spain and works with several galleries throughout the country. He has received several awards in his artistic career: 2004 Mention of Honor 17th Biennial of painting “City of Zamora”, 2005 “Best Cantabrian artist” Plastic Arts Contest Government of Cantabria, 2008 Prize VI National Painting Contest Parliament of La Rioja, 2009 Prize International Painting Contest Focus-Abengoa and in 2015 Gold Medal at the 76th International Exhibition of Plastic Arts of Valdepeñas. The work of Emilio González Sainz can be found in different national collections: B.B.A.A. Museum of Santander, Testimoni Collection. La Caixa. Barcelona, Caja Cantabria Collection, La Rioja Parliament Collection, Cantabria Government North Collection. Provincial Foundation of Culture Collection Diputación de Cádiz, Prosegur Collection Barcelona, Focus-Abengoa Foundation Collection Seville and Caja Extremadura Collection.