Gamze Yalcin
(Turkey, 1987)
Gamze Yalçın (b. 1987, Istanbul, Turkey) is an artist based in Berlin and Madrid, specializing in painting, drawing, and public art installations. She has exhibited her work internationally, including in Germany (in the museum Stadtgalerie Saarbrucken), France, Spain, Ecuador (contemporary art center Quito), and Turkey. Her work belongs to several prestigious collections, including the Ari Meşulam collection.
The work of Gamze delves into the exploration of space, color research, and landscapes, creating an active dialogue that captures and translates the intricate details of our environment into visual compositions. This artistry goes beyond merely putting brush to canvas; it is a rigorous journey into the harmony of color, the fluidity of landscapes, and the dimensions of space.
Yalçın’s creative process synthesizes continuous research, keen observation, and meticulous execution. Her art serves as a testament to the resilience of nature and the ever-changing landscapes that surround us. Each artwork emerges as a unique and captivating representation of the environment, achieved through a thoughtful combination of elements on the canvas.
Her exhibitions focus on series of works inspired by timeless spaces, seamlessly blending semi-abstract forms with the texture and movement of natural patterns. Yalçın’s ambition extends to crafting harmonious collections that include not only canvases but also works on paper and textiles, with each piece resonating with her overarching artistic vision.