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Jan Vallverdú

(1995, Barcelona)

Jan Vallverdú (1995 Barcelona) Lives and works in Sant Just Desvern. He has completed a Higher Degree in Illustration and Applied Wall Arts at the Escuela Llotja de Barcelona 2018.

In recent years he has held several solo exhibitions, such as in the Marlborough Gallery Barcelona within the framework of the exhibition "Art nou 2021", this last 2022 he has exhibited at the Galeria La Plataforma Barcelona with the exhibition "Parafernalia" and in "AAcollection Gallery, Vienna with the exhibition "Mind the Gap".

His beginnings in muralism are in conventional graffiti, and he is co-founder and member of the collective ZTK @2i0n.70wn.k1ds, with which he made an expanded painting installation at the B-murales Gallery in Barcelona "Sotapont" and in the collective exhibition "Fresco Fresco" at Adda Gallery Ibiza. He also has a large number of mural interventions in Barcelona and some parts of Catalonia and Italy.