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Juana González

(1972, Ciudad Real)

Graduated in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid in 2005. She has participated in several group exhibitions in Madrid, Seville, Granada, Alicante, Switzerland... Solo exhibitions in Puertollano, Madrid and Móstoles. He has received several awards such as an Honourable Mention in the ABC Art Awards and in the Contemporary Art Encounters (EAC / Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert). Since 2018 she has had several publications in different media (editorial, digital press, tv report).

From 2020, Juana González exhibits in Cologne (Germany) and enters the well-known "Solo Collection" in Madrid. In July 2021, the city council of Miengo (Cantabria) consecrates her a large solo exhibition entitled "Let's go deeper into the thicket", of which an exhibition catalogue was published.

The works of Juana González are inspired by her dreams. The paintings of imposing sizes (200x170cm) put fantastic, literary or historical characters on stage in a complex and original ensemble. Many of the landscapes take their source in her homeland, La Mancha. His style is at the same time expressionism, surrealism and narrative figuration.