Letizia Scarpello
(Italy, 1989)
Letizia Scarpello (Pescara 1989) lives and works between Milan and Pescara.
She took a Bachelor Degree in Fashion Design in 2011 at Istituto Marangoni in
London, and a Master Degree in Set Design in 2015 at Brera Academy of Fine
Arts in Milan. Taking inspiration from theatre and performance she has been working on the construction of a language and instrument of self-made expression since the
beginning of her artistic research. As Letizia raised in a family of upholsterers since three generations she has developed deep knowledge of the textile world related to mankind attitudes and social environments. Letizia Scarpello took part to several artistic residencies like Viafarini in residence (Milan) and Highlights by The Blank Contemporary Art (Bergamo) in Italy. In 2021 she won the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art AIR promoted by the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow and the Sala Santa Rita Award in Rome promoted by Azienda Speciale PALAEXPO.