Miguel Ángel Erba
(Spain, 1994)
Miguel Ángel Erba (Valencia, 1994) has a degree in Fine Arts and Design from Teesside University in Middlesbrough.
The urban context, in which Miguel Ángel Erba has been immersed for years, has been crucial in the development of his pictorial language and his current artistic practice. Painting, for him, acts as an anchor point that connects gesture, movement and emotion, fundamental aspects of his creative process. His work draws from the practices of urban art, where the use of large formats and the ability to act in very short periods of time are required.
One of Erba's main motivations for changing format was the need to create a personal language that would accommodate his artistic interests and concerns, allowing him more time to reflect on the pictorial act. In his own words: “The main idea was to paint as big and as fast as possible, trying to remain invisible to the rest of the world while performing the action. This generated tension translated into a fast and direct language, which evolved with practice until I found signs and symbols with which I began to feel comfortable and which I still use today.”
For Erba, painting is a medium through which he can express himself in a completely sincere way, freed from words and rational thought.
The link between the human condition and nature -or the absence of it- allows him to create his own imaginary full of stories and tales, influenced by his literary, musical and cinematographic concerns.