(Seville, Spain)
From the capital of Andalusia, DiGallery delves into the most current contemporary art, aiming to reach a discerning audience constantly seeking new contributions to the national and international artistic scene. With a particular inclination towards emerging art with international projection, DiGallery has defined itself through the representation of its artists and exhibitions. Ultimately, DiGallery invests in researching new lines of contemporary work and innovative curatorial projects, engaging the most discerning audience through debates, talks, and the reevaluation of concepts through its exhibitions and projects. Additionally, by participating in national and international fairs, it promotes and showcases the work of represented artists such as Pablo Merchante, Rosa Aguilar, Amaya Suberviola, Dionisio González, Agus Díaz Vázquez, Raquel Serrano, Alejandro Ginés, and Irene Molina.