burguer burguer urvanity lab


Urvanity Projects and Mahou join forces to create Artívoros by Mahou, a unique experience that fuses art and gastronomy and invites you to enjoy a very special show.

In july 2019, art and food lovers could taste, for four days, a menu by Paco Roncero, 2 Michelin Star chef in a very special setting: inside an artistic installation by Penique Productions.
The collective covered the event venue, Palacio Neptuno in Madrid, with a huge white balloon that transformed the entire space into an immersive artwork. During the dinner, the installation became a white canvas on which projections could be seen covering the entire space and inviting the guests, depending on the dish, to travel to a foreign city, to forests or under the sea.

An original project that demonstrates that art and gastronomy are two cultural disciplines that together can create a unique experience for all the senses.



Labels chase Paco Roncero. But he always tries to run faster. So much so that doubts often arise: How is it possible to be so many things at the same time? Can one person achieve everything? Does he have hired doubles? Is he capable of splitting himself? Does he have twin brothers? Is Roncero a replicant? He studied at the School of Hospitality and Tourism in Madrid. He did Stages at Zalacaín and at the Ritz Hotel. Today he is Executive Chef and Director of NH Collection Casino de Madrid, and the restaurants La Terraza del Casino, Estado Puro (Madrid), Estado Puro (Shanghai), La Canica, Versión Original (Bogotá), Pata Negra (Cartagena de Indias) and Sublimotion. He won the Chef L'Avenir Award 2005. He was awarded the 2006 National Gastronomy Prize. He has accumulated 2 Michelin Stars and 3 Repsol Suns. He is the author of the books "Tapas y Gastronomía del S.XXI", "Bocadillos y Ensaladas", "Tapas en Estado Puro" and "Correr, Cocinar y Ser Feliz". He has also created the PacoRonceroTaller and promoted the development of the software "Gestor de Cocina". He runs with Running Chefs, sweated in the IronMan half marathons in Bilbao and Malaga and can be found year in and year out at the New York Marathon.


Penique Productions was born in Barcelona in 2007, an artistic collective based on the realization of ephemeral installations. The starting point of each project is the selection of a location from which a unique and tailor-made piece is built. An inflatable that expands and invades the space completely. The balloon grows to relate to the existing architecture. The air, acting as a structural form, exerts pressure against the plastic that confronts the solid forms that limit it and model the final shape. Conquered by the inflatable, the place is transformed through the new texture, lighting and monochrome color.

Penique Productions appropriates the original site, which loses its usual use and becomes part of the artwork, acquiring a new identity. The globe acts as a border and frames a new space. The content is also the container, blurring the idea of the artistic object. Penique Productions proposes an experience to the spectator. Through this clear, direct and simple perceptual message, without establishing a closed discourse, it aims to reach all audiences.